Monthly Archives: March 2014

Why My Children Can’t Sit Still


Last week, I went to homeschooling group and there was a fellow homeschooler with 3 little boys who were lovely.  They sat there and played quietly and nicely, then went and ran around at the play place for a while, then came back and played nicely.  They were really lovely kids!  Lady P is wonderful and happy and full of life and energy!  I can’t keep up!  But she cannot keep still!  She is fidgety all the time and hates to sit!  All of my homeschooling activities MUST HAVE kinaesthetic activities involved or else she gets bored and says she doesn’t want ‘to do school anymore’.  I have heard from many people who have sons that boys usually can’t keep still and are high energy.  Girls are good at playing quietly…HA

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Artist Week: Jackson Pollock


We went to our homeschooling group today and it was artist week.  We had to study an artist and then bring in the work we had done!  A fellow friend and homeschooling mum told me about Jackson Pollock and explained that he was an easy artist for young children to mimic.  So that’s who we looked at!

Jackson Pollock doing a splatter painting.

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