Tag Archives: homeschool

Montessori Constructive Triangles


Everyone has some sort of illness in this house so not much is being done. However, we managed a couple of activities! Lady P continued with Singapore maths. She’s finding it challenging but I know once she understands the basics, future maths will be easier!

She is currently practicing adding and subtracting using ones and tens. She can do it using her snap cubes but when it comes to writing it down, it can be confusing! But we shall persevere!

Cheeky girl tried the constructive triangles today and enjoyed using them.

I think she enjoyed the hands on maths! She also learned how to add using snap cubes! I was quite pleased for her.

Although we didn’t do much, they seemed to do well with the activities.

Autumn already?


The weather has been wet this summer! And now it’s autumn weather! The kids had a busy day today! They got more done then I expected as we are watching another Little person twice a week.

Yesterday was also a good day for learning! We have hit the ground running!

Because my eldest has ADHD, I’m attempting to create a better schedule. She needs to know what we are doing and how long we are doing it. This can be annoying for me but then I realised she NEEDS to know! It causes anxiety when she doesn’t know. I personally find it difficult creating a schedule we follow all the time because we are a home, not a school and I didn’t really want it to mimic school. I guess I’ll try somewhere in between!

Sewing P


Lady P has been asking to sew for a while now so I finally decided to teach her a bit on the sewing machine.  I helped her cut out fabric to make a pillow then she sewed the sides herself and turned the fabric right side out.  She stuffed her pillow then hand sewed the opening closed.  She was so proud of herself and always sleeps with her little pillow. 

The next week, we made a little dress for her doll.  Because it was so small, she hand sewed the sides and I helped her with the fiddly bits.  I think I have a creative little girl!  She loves creating! 

Just Another Day


Today we started our day cleaning the house (the girls helped) then we went to a singing group for S (it was for Lady P too but she was the oldest there).

S loves singing and dancing. She is obsessed with Music Man (which she calls Pia Pia piano) and Wind the Bobbin. The singing group was perfect for her and on Fridays while Lady P is in nursery, I’m taking her to a 45 minute session, called Jo Jingles, which S will love! Read the rest of this entry

DIY Montessori Constructive Triangles


I’m finally feeling super motivated to get all my Montessori projects finished for Lady P. It is probably because I am pregnant and rather than clean my house, my nesting is causing me to finish tasks. Works for me! Read the rest of this entry



Today I bought Melissa and Doug’s Make-A-Face sticker book for the girls. Even though it’s for age 4+, the girls loved it! Even Baby S got the face relatively in order, though some of her creations were a bit reminiscent of Frankenstein’s monster…

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Today I bought Melissa and Doug’s Make-A-Face sticker book for the girls. Even though it’s for age 4+, the girls loved it! Even Baby S got the face relatively in order, though some of her creations were a bit reminiscent of Frankenstein’s monster… Read the rest of this entry

DIY Montessori Moveable Alphabet


I love Montessori manipulatives. They are so beautiful but so expensive! I especially wanted a moveable alphabet because I think it really helps children to understand how words are made: patterns, letter combinations etc. A small moveable alphabet costs about £27 (not including shipping or the storage box) from Absorbant Minds but I really don’t want to spend that kind of money!

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